Shadow Stories

An outside shadow puppet show based on the "Tell Tale Heart". Performed at Buck's Rock Camp.


Who doesn't like the world's first video game.... let me save you the effort- no one. I love that it plays to kids, that have likely never seen the game before, and the older generation that go through a series of mental contortions and finally arrive at laughter.

The Love of the Story

The idea that a Kleenex can become alive and that it can fall in love is really endearing to me.

More than that. The story is simple. The objects are simple. In story is about the emotions that we all face.

The Sea Cow

I like breaking things. The Fourth Wall for instance.

This is a piece that I renew again and again because it was the first show that I thought, "Hey, what if you take the stage with you?", not something you do with shadow puppetry.

Jabberwocky Test

Originally this show was performed twice. Once in the traditional manner, then turned so you could see what the performers did. The show was later included into a new production. The new show was tech heavy and this piece lost immediacy and connection. In this version, wanted: Less perfection. More life.

If you thought that was fun, there are a few more videos on my YouTube page and you can always follow us on Facebook for videos and live talk back. In the middle of the night. When I'm loopy and a bit crazed. For example; the Chicken Joke or learn the difference between a the Ventriloquist and the Puppeteer or see what happens when tables hunt their natural prey in "Occasional Tables of the Sahara" or the cuter version with me and the first time I performed with my kids "Occasional Tables of the Kalahari"